New Guest Connection Card

Welcome to New Life of Asheville! Are you a new guest and would like to get connected beyond Sunday? Click below to fill out our latest guest connection card form.

Journey 101

New to New Life? We're glad you're here! To find out more about us and how you can connect with others on our journey be sure to sign up for our next Journey 101 lunch. This luncheon is the first step we recommend all our new guests take. Luncheons are held the first Sunday of the month so be sure to sign up.

Journey 201

Ready to join the team? Take the next step and become part of the New Life family by signing up for our Journey 201 course. This course is required for any person seeking to become a member here at New Life. Click the link below to sign up and find out more.

Journey 301

As followers of Jesus, we believe the object of our faith matters. We need proper understanding and solid foundations to help us grow in our faith. Our Journey 301 courses are designed to help any believer better understand Christian orthodoxy in order to apply it to everyday life. To that end, we've developed three primary courses to serve as foundational pillars, which include: Christian story, Christian beliefs, and Christian formation.

Group Life

At New Life, we know you'll never get connected and become known in a large group setting. Getting plugged into a small group of people is the primary way for becoming known, so we encourage everyone to get connected as soon as possible. We offer short term on campus groups as well as longer term off campus community groups. Click below to find out more.


We believe that baptism by immersion is the biblical next step for those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus. Whether you were baptized as a child before you made a decision to follow Jesus on your own, have been a believer for many years and have never been baptized, or have recently begun your faith journey with jesus, baptism is your next step!