
We are so excited to re-gather together as a faith family every Sunday evening from 5 - 6 pm outside our building on the front lawn!  When you arrive on campus, you may choose to either park and watch the service from your vehicle or social distance on the grassy area with your family (please bring your own blanket and/or chairs). We will have people there to direct you.


We will gather with a variety of comfort levels. Let’s error on the side of caution and respect our more vulnerable members. Masks will be made available for those who would like one. Please show grace to other church members and leaders who may reach different conclusions regarding the mitigation of risk. If you or a member of your immediate family have tested positive for COVID or experienced a fever, shortness of breath, GI issues, or other COVID related symptoms, please choose to participate in our online service until you and your family are healthy.


We want to assure your safety during this re-gathering process, to that end we will have:

  • multiple sanitizing stations
  • touchless registration for new comers
  • social distancing (6 ft) practices and touchless greeting
  • separate tents set up with bottled water, information for new guests, and an activity bag for our preschoolers and children as this will be an outside family service with no kids’ ministry.
  • Should you need to use the restroom, we will have volunteers stationed at each one to sanitize immediately following use. Doors will be propped open. There should be no other need to enter the building at this time.


We are looking forward to gathering together and encouraging each other in person!  Please do not feel pressured to attend until you feel comfortable doing so. We love you and continue to pray that God would encourage and strengthen His people during this challenging time.