When love governs life


When love governs life . . .  we operate by an irresistible force that is “oh so pleasing” to God and has tremendous benefit to others as well as to ourselves. It has the power to keep us “on mission” with God’s purposes for us and allows us to live up to our greatest potentials in personal fulfilment as well as in the fruitfulness by which we enrich the lives of others.

When love governs life . . .   we function out of “other-centeredness”  and frequently embrace sacrifice, not focusing on personal gain or counting costs. As we do so we move beyond the concerns of whether what we do as followers of Christ is a qualifier for or a measure of our salvation and we gain assurance of life lived in sync with the character and will of God.

When love governs life . . .   we begin to understand that God’s commands are indeed not burdensome. We begin to appreciate God’s commands and see them in a new light. Observing (obeying) them is an expression of our love for God. (1 Jn. 5:3). Less and less we despise the boundaries God has established for us. What God calls us to do becomes more appealing and understanding the “whys” of the things to which He says “Don’t“ have greater clarity and we can wrestle less with them.

When love governs life . . .  there is a freedom which nothing on earth provides us. We begin to generously dispense grace as an overflow from the grace which has been lavishly supplied to us. We gain a deeper understanding of why we need much grace and how wonderful the Perfect One is who loves us and sees the good in us above all our earthly flaws and shortcomings.

When love begins to govern life . . .  it feels a bit awkward, otherworldly, and foreign. We observe so little of that in full measure whether in the world or within the church. Bits and pieces yes, but rarely consistent. When love begins to govern our lives as was demonstrated perfectly by Jesus, a groundswell begins. We must allow it, savor it, cultivate it, and not allow the measure of it in others to discourage its momentum in us. It is truly God’s best work. His purpose.

When love governs life . . .  we respond like God. Think About It.