
Think About It...

The mistake of viewing sin as a “mistake”

September 12, 2019

The mistake of viewing sin as a “mistake” Sin is an uncomfortable word. So uncomfortable it is rarely used anymore. Practically abandoned. It’s even rarely used in churches. Christ-followers don’t like the reminders the word sin brings and non-Christians don’t really comprehend the meaning of the word. Most dictionary definitions sum up sin in this way: “an offense against religious…

When it comes to sin, foresight is better than hindsight

September 5, 2019

Say what? There is no getting around the fact that temptation and sin are pernicious and tricky. They lure us with their appealing promises and howl with laughter after we have succumbed to their offering. Even in the lives of believers, serious followers of Christ, there is still that remainder in our flesh that can create an overpowering desire for things that will be our eventual undoing. Sin possesses the

Forgive and forget . . . are you kidding?

August 29, 2019

Let’s be honest. As Christians, we often have our challenges with both forgiving and forgetting. At times, forgiving seems difficult. Our emotions are still at a peak and on the scale of 1 to 10 are nearer the 10, right? Most times, forgetting is nearly impossible unless you are getting older and become used to forgetting a lot of stuff. Maybe that’s a fringe benefit of aging, at least the forgetting of offenses.

Nic at Night…

August 22, 2019

Nic at Night . . . . . No, I didn’t mean Nick or Nickelodeon at Night. I’m talking about Nicodemus, the member of the Jewish ruling council who came to Jesus secretly at night and dialogued with him about what it meant to be “born again.” (John 3). Jesus explained in verses 13-14 that “Just as Moses lifted…

As Christians, are we to shy away from the “fine” print?

August 15, 2019

As Christians, are we to shy away from the “fine” print? People find it easier and more palatable to believe in a god or believe in God’s love than to consider that they may be objects of God’s dissatisfaction and wrath. And why not? Most of us are not murderers, rapists, habitual liars, child molesters or people…

Does it bother you…

August 7, 2019

Does it bother you that in his last act of ministry before his death, Jesus forgave the thief dangling on the cross next to him? (Luke 23:42) Does it amaze you? Disturb you? Delight you? After all, Jesus knew the thief had converted out of plain fear. He would never study the Bible, never attend the synagogue, or never make amends for those he had…

“Dorothy, we’re not in…”

August 1, 2019

“Dorothy, we’re not in Chick-fil-a anymore.” That’s not quite the line as exactly spoken in context, but this is a reference to The Wizard of Oz, in which Dorothy, upon arriving to Oz, says,“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” So what did it mean to not be in Kansas anymore? To no longer be in a place…

2,000 Pigs Drown in Lake…

July 25, 2019

2,000 Pigs Drown in Lake. Bacon Shortage Imminent! The story revealed in Mark 5 has always been one that has interested me. It’s a story of isolation, hopelessness, pity, deliverance, gratitude, power and priorities. Most of you have read or heard the story. I encourage you to read it again or for the first time. Jesus has…

Does God “force” our faith to grow?

July 2, 2019

Does God “force” our faith to grow? For the purpose of this “conversation,” I’m going to interchange the word “trust” with the word “faith.” After all, Webster does it and it seems to work pretty well in our scripture references. There is a point to my doing this, and it is because to us our trust in God is wrapped up so deeply…

Guilt-free, because my good deeds outweigh my bad ones?

June 27, 2019

Guilt-free, because my good deeds outweigh my bad ones? To some extent, that’s how many people begin life seeing themselves. It seems fair enough, that the scale of justification should declare us innocent if we can rack up more good deeds than bad, despite the fact we are quicker to forget, forgive and rationalize the bad…

“A prostitute….”

June 20, 2019

“A prostitute . . . . ” I read this story recently and I think it is worthwhile to share. It’s horror is only magnified by the fact this goes on around us and we are possibly unaware, unconcerned or ill-equipped to respond. This story reflects a very harsh, painful reality and before we dismiss it as…

For some there will always be another question…

June 17, 2019

For some there will always be another question. Let me say from the start that I believe with all my heart that God’s pressing desire is to be in covenant relationship with all people. Not just some. All. To accomplish this end I believe the Holy Spirit engages in a relentless pursuit to turn men…