Message: “Descended and Rose” from Chris Dillon

Chris Dillon - October 9, 2022

Forgiveness, Resurrection & Life Everlasting

As we step into these final words of the Apostles’ Creed, we reach the climax of our study. These are the hope of every Christian past, present and future: the forgiveness of sins, resurrection after death and life everlasting with King Jesus in the new heavens & new earth. Though all human beings are sinners, and deserving of separation from God for eternity–Jesus has made a way for every single human being to be cleansed by His blood. When we embrace Jesus’ sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins, we’re promised a real, bodily resurrection upon His return and everlasting life that’s too incredible for our finite minds to even fathom. Christ followers ought to be the most fearless & joyful people walking the planet since our past is forgiven, our present is purposeful and our future is sealed!

From Series: "We Believe"

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